Anticancer diet

David Khayat led France's war against cancer and has been in the medical trenches for thirty years. In this international bestseller, he shares his knowledge on the role of diet and lifestyle in getting different types of cancer and how to bolster the body against those risks. Bringing together his own cross-national studies with those of other top cancer experts, Khayat empowers readers with the latest nutritional knowledge. He displays the correct anticancer diet through a range of products and dietary habits to be avoided. A detailed list of dangerous or beneficial foods and tips for a healthy lifestyle are included.
Unlike books based on personal experience with cancer, this edition combines the wisdom of the rules set by the researcher for thirty years, both in the laboratory and with patients, in France and the USA.
The book has been published in Greek, "Η σωστή αντικαρκινική διατροφή", Νταβίντ Καγιάτ, 2013 and in English, "The Anticancer Diet", David Khayat, 2015.

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