Best essential oils for head massage

Getting a head massage with essential oil blends has many beneficial effects. It can help you relax and at the same time treat dandruff and dry scalp, leaving your hair strong and shiny.
The best essential oils to use for a head massage are

Lavender: soothes the scalp and heals dry skin and hair.

Rosemary: stimulates hair growth,  slows down the graying process and treats dandruff.

Chamomile: adds shine and softness to your hair while soothing your skin. Lightens hair naturally.

Cedarwood: promotes hair growth, reduces skin irritations and repels bugs.

Clary Sage: regulates oil production, treats dandruff.

Lemongrass: strengthens hair follicles, soothes itchy and irritated skin. Acts as a natural bug repellent and treats headache.

Peppermint: stimulates the scalp, treats dandruff, promotes hair growth, relieves tension and headache.

Head massage blend

6 drops lavender e.o.
4 drops rosemary e.o.

Massage 1/2 teaspoon into temples, at base of neck and hair.

Are you after great recipes of personal care and massage products? Then don't miss the exceptional book from Beth Jones "600 Aromatherapy Recipes for Beauty, Health & Home".

Essential Oil Perfume

In Aromatherapy, blending does not have strict rules that must be followed, even when creating a perfume. Essential oils can be categorized in many groups. The most common ones are those based on their therapeutic properties, their scent and their "note".
Oils in the same scent category generally blend well together. However the magic of Aromatherapy lies in the endless opportunity to experiment, mix and match essential oils until you achieve a unique, personalized blend. So try not to limit your creativity by using only essential oils of a certain scent category.
Nevertheless, even when creating an Aromatherapy perfume it is advisable to stick to the rule of the 3 notes. Which means your perfume should contain essential oils of all three note categories in order to feel and smell balanced.  Not sure what a "note" is? 
Have you ever noticed that a fragrance smells differently after several hours than when you first apply it? This is due to the fact that some essential oils evaporate more quickly than others. The oils that evaporate the quickest, usually within 1-2 hours, are called "top notes". Oils that evaporate within 2-4 hours are considered "middle notes". Oils that take the longest time to evaporate are referred to as “base notes".
Looking forward to creating your own signature scent? Use the following basic recipe and expand your creativity with the help of the Note - Scent Chart. 

Homemade Perfume

15ml Vodka
2 drops orange e.o.

Aromatherapy: does it really work?

Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit medical practice and medical research group based in Minnesota. It employs more than 4,500 physicians and scientists and 58,400 administrative and allied health staff. The practice specializes in treating difficult cases through tertiary care. It spends over $660 million a year on research and employs over 3,000 full-time research personnel.
  • Women in labor have reported positive results using scents such as rose, lavender and frankincense.
  • Studies of hospital patients have documented that chamomile and lavender scents at bedtime can encourage relaxation and improve sleep.
  • People with leukemia who used their choice of lavender, chamomile or peppermint got relief from nausea and lack of appetite in one study.
  • Peppermint essential oils helped some pregnant women find relief from nausea and vomiting during labor.
  • Lemon essential oil is suggested for headaches and mental fatigue, mandarin to help with restlessness, anxiety, nausea and sleep.
Although research is limited, small scale studies suggest that plant-based scents may just have a place in the science of health and healing. This is the reason essential oils are surging in popularity and Aromatherapy is even showing up in hospital surgical units.

More fat, less weight?

True or false? A diet that lets a person eat fat - even saturated - without calorie counting could lead to substantial weight loss, treatment of diabetes into remission, increased HDL levels, lower triglycerides and blood pressure? True, as research and many clinical trials report those beneficial effects for the ketogenic (keto or low carb high fat) diet.

Usually low-carb diets emphasize protein and limit fat. On the contrary, the goal of a properly maintained keto diet is to limit carbohydrates without restriction of fat or overall calories. Through starvation of carbohydrates the body begins to burn ketones as its primary energy source, which are produced from the breakdown of fats in liver.
According to an article published on the latest Journal of the American MedicalAssociation, there are hints that the ketogenic diet may help obese people and patients with type 2 diabetes.
People on ketogenic diets tend to:
  • Lose more weight and keep more of it off than people on low-fat diets.
  • Feel less hungry.
  • Maintain their metabolic rate.
  • Get control of their blood glucose.
  • Experience improvements in triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels, abdominal circumference, and blood pressure.
Starting a keto diet means you will have to keep your carbohydrates limited, coming mostly from vegetables, nuts, and dairy. Refined carbohydrates such as wheat (bread, pasta and cereals), starch (potatoes, beans, legumes) or fruit should be totally avoided. The small exceptions to this are avocado, star fruit, and berries which can be consumed in moderation. The more restrictive you are on your carbohydrates (less than 15g per day), the faster you will enter ketosis.
Generally speaking the keto diet is safe. A few adverse effects of the diet include lightheadedness, dizziness, fatigue, difficulty exercising, poor sleep, and constipation. But they tend to pass in a few days to a few weeks. However people taking insulin, oral hypoglycemic and blood pressure medications should consult with an experienced clinician when starting a keto dieting plan.
For a full list of ketogenic diet food see here or get your hands on the No 1 best seller cookbook “Ketogenic Diet Cookbook: 500 Ketogenic Diet Recipes to Cook atHome”. Learn everything you need to know about the ketogenic diet and start cooking in this new, exciting and healthy way!