
Best essential oils for head massage

Getting a head massage with essential oil blends has many beneficial effects. It can help you relax and at the same time treat dandruff and dry scalp, leaving your hair strong and shiny.
The best essential oils to use for a head massage are

Lavender: soothes the scalp and heals dry skin and hair.

Rosemary: stimulates hair growth,  slows down the graying process and treats dandruff.

Chamomile: adds shine and softness to your hair while soothing your skin. Lightens hair naturally.

Cedarwood: promotes hair growth, reduces skin irritations and repels bugs.

Clary Sage: regulates oil production, treats dandruff.

Lemongrass: strengthens hair follicles, soothes itchy and irritated skin. Acts as a natural bug repellent and treats headache.

Peppermint: stimulates the scalp, treats dandruff, promotes hair growth, relieves tension and headache.

Head massage blend

6 drops lavender e.o.
4 drops rosemary e.o.

Massage 1/2 teaspoon into temples, at base of neck and hair.

Are you after great recipes of personal care and massage products? Then don't miss the exceptional book from Beth Jones "600 Aromatherapy Recipes for Beauty, Health & Home".

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