
Garlic and onion against resistant staph bacteria

The antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity of garlic and onion has been proved many times by contemporary scientific research. A new study held at the University of Nottingham indicates that even MRSA, one of the most antibiotic-resistant bugs can be killed by a mixture containing garlic and onion.
What is MRSA? According to Mayo Clinic "Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus infection is caused by a type of staph bacteria that has become resistant to antibiotics. At-risk populations include people who have been in hospitals, other health care settings or live in crowded conditions.Children and adults who come in contact with day-care centers, playgrounds, camps, classrooms, gyms and workout facilities are also at higher risk of getting MRSA. MRSA can spread easily through cuts and abrasions and skin-to-skin contact. Usually the bacteria are generally harmless and even if they enter the body they usually cause only minor skin problems in healthy people. However MRSA infections can resist the effects of many common antibiotics, so the infections may spread and become life-threatening affecting the bloodstream, lungs, heart valves, bones and joints."
It seems though that the resistant staph bacteria can be treated - at least in the laboratory - with a 10th century topical solution for eye infections which contains garlic, onion or leek, wine and oxgal. Scientists at the University of Nottingham say the medieval remedy has remarkable effects on MRSA.

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