
Love your hands

Our hands are often over-looked in our skincare routine. But when you think that your hands are exposed to the elements as much as your face is, it makes sense to use a moisturizing product that will also prevent ageing in the future. The best hand cream is the one you will make on your own with little cost and natural ingredients! You will need:

10 gr bee's wax
50 ml jojoba oil
2 drops e.o. neroli
2 drops e.o. jasmine
2 drops e.o. lavender

Place cocoa butter and bee's wax in a bain marie and warm until they melt. Stir in jojoba oil and remove from fire. Transfer the mixture in a glass jar, stir in the essential oils and leave to cool. 
The healing and moisturizing properties of your hand made cream will last up to one year if you store it in a cool and dry place.

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