- The wings (of soul) give power. To dream, to travel, to create.
- Do not trust ambitious people. They will do everything in order to achieve their goal.
- When your wings are cut (by parents, friends, companions, teachers, colleagues and so on) it hurts.
- Parents are not those who bring you in this world, but the ones who become your protective shadow.
- Nature rejuvenates. Visit it regularly.
- Adaptability is a powerful weapon. Become a raven, a wolf, a dragon according to the occasion.
- It is impossible not to love a child. It's your immaculate, innocent version.
- Obsession with the past, hatred and thirst for revenge destroy lives.
- Do not challenge Nature. She knows how to defend herself.
- Love at first sight is not true love.
- No one will love you more than your mother!
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