
Eleven truths "Maleficent" brought to my mind

 Who said truths can not be found in fairy tales? "Maleficent" reminded me of the following:
  1. The wings (of soul) give power. To dream, to travel, to create.
  2. Do not trust ambitious people. They will do everything in order to achieve their goal.
  3. When your wings are cut (by parents, friends, companions, teachers, colleagues and so on) it hurts.
  4. Parents are not those who bring you in this world, but the ones who become your protective shadow.
  5. Nature rejuvenates. Visit it regularly.
  6. Adaptability is a powerful weapon. Become a raven, a wolf, a dragon according to the occasion.
  7. It is impossible not to love a child. It's your immaculate, innocent version.
  8. Obsession with the past, hatred and thirst for revenge destroy lives.
  9. Do not challenge Nature. She knows how to defend herself.
  10. Love at first sight is not true love.
  11. No one will love you more than your mother!

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