
2nd International Congress on Non Conventional Medicine

The 1st International Congress on Non Conventional Medicine was held in Greece in June 2011. The participation in the congress was beyond any expectation. The extremely interesting speeches given by Greek and international experts on alternative medicine attracted the interest of a big audience, even from abroad. Specially for aromatherapists, the presence of Pierre Franchomme in the congress- who has devoted his career to the scientific research of essential oil chemical analysis and their therapeutic properties - has been very important. His speeches with topics "Anti-aging aromatherapy" and "Essential oils: balsam for neurodegenerative and cancerous diseases" have been extremely enlightening.
You can obtain the records of the 1st congress (available in three languages - english, french and greek) from the Hellenic Aromatherapy Association (contact phone number +30 210 9343861).
After last year's big success, it was decided to organize a 2nd congress on non conventional medicine again in Greece, on 9 and 10 June 2012. The exact schedule of the congress and the participation conditions have not been disclosed yet. Take a note of this date in your calendar, I will keep you informed about anything new!

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