
1st Internationl Congress on Non Conventional Medicine

The first International Congress on Non Conventional Medicine in Greece is a fact!

It has been scheduled for the 11th and 12th of June 2011 in Athens, all records will be available in three languages (Grrek, English and French) and the organizers are:
Attending this congress will give you the chance to get informed about the applications of alternative therapy methods (aromatherapy, homeopathy, reflexology, shiatsu, etc.) and their correlation to the medicine of Hippocrates by eminent, Greek and foreigner, experts on natural therapies. 
The second day of the congress the speeches will focus on aromatherapy and its application on persons with respiratory and cognitive disorders, for anti-aging therapies and degenerative illness. The presence of Mr. Pierre Franchomme at the congress will be of extreme importance, since he has been engaged for a number of years in the chemical analysis of essential oil constituents and their healing properties. His speeches with topics "Anti-aging aromatherapy" and "Essential oils: balsam for neurodegenerative and cancerous diseases" will certainly be sources of valuable information.
For details regarding the analytical schedule of the congress and participation applications please click here.

If you require a translation of the congress schedule do not hesitate to contact me. 


  1. Hi,

    I am very interested in the outcome of this congress. How can I find more on what has been discussed and any of the conclusions proposed? I am particularly interested in Mr P Franchomme speech.

    Many thanks!

  2. Hello. Please send me your email to and I will contact you regarding the congress.

  3. You can find the records of the congress at the Hellenic Aromatherapy Association (contact number: +30 210 9343861)
