
Pink pill

You have surely heard about the "blue" pill, the one that has the reputation of helping many men improve their love life (male readers please, tell us your opinion!).
What you may not know is that research is conducted, in order to produce an equivalent "pink" pill that could prove to be a cure for reduced female sexual drive and specifically the so called "hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD)".
Reduced libido is the most common female sexual problem, faced by around 20% of women at the reproductive age according to the American Psychiatric Association. Obviously, after the success of the relative product among men, pharmaceutical firms are eager to increase once more their revenue, targeting this time women. According to a report from the New York Times, if the drug were approved, annual sales might reach two billion dollars in the United States alone!
Anyway, women are more complicated that men, even in relation with problems of sexual nature. So, while the "blue" pill was created to help men that have sexual desire but their body does not correspond, the causes of female "frigidity" are still under investigation and the possibility for correct diagnosis of HSDD is in dispute by many members of the scientific community. As Dr. Petra Boynton reports in her website, it is notable that those who had expressed their concern in relation to marketing attempts of the "pink" pill where relieved to hear the negative decision of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but where also skeptical about the fact that the same organization accepted the diagnosis for HSDD, which is characterized by many as problematic.
According to Wikipedia, hypoactive sexual desire disorder is characterized as "a lack or absence of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity for some period of time. For this to be regarded as a disorder, it must cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulties and not be better accounted for by another mental disorder (i.e. depression), a drug (legal or illegal), or some other medical condition".
Even by reading the definition of the disorder one can understand how difficult it is to safely determine whether a woman is suffering from it and/or what are the causes. Especially nowadays, when many women are often psychologically and physically tired due to the fast tempo of life and the multiple roles they are required to undertake.
Although the new pill was not approved by the FDA, the preparatory firm announced that relative research will continue. Until that research yields fruit or, even better, if women who wish to regain their lost sexual desire prefer to follow natural methods, suggestions do exist.
First of all I suspect that what women truly need is to accept their selves, love their bodies, understand its functions and rhythm and respect their needs. We can be workers, wives, mothers or anything else we desire, but we will not be able to experience any of these roles completely unless we keep in mind that we are women above all.
Try to stay close to your spouse, emotionally and physically. Time spend together by a couple is valuable. No matter how full your daily schedule is, it is worth devoting at least 1-2 hours a week to one of the most important persons in you life, don't you think? Show interest in his daily routine, discuss about issues that trouble you, express your feelings and show affection whenever you can. Touch him, laugh and relax with him. And when the time for more intimacy comes do not feel ashamed to expose your preferences in sex or your secret fantasies, verbally and/or physically. After all we want more of something when we enjoy it!
Above all keep in mind that the expression of sexual desire can not be standardized, despite the attempts of firms, media and magazines.
There are some essential oils that are considered to be aphrodisiacs and their use could help women come closer to their female nature. Some of them are: rose, jasmine, neroli, sandalwood, rosewood, ylang ylang, patchouli and cypress.
You can easily make your own sensual perfume and feel more erotic when wearing or simply smelling it. You can also create the appropriate atmosphere for a romantic evening by burning it in a diffuser. Also, try coming close to your partner by giving him a massage or submitting to his caress using suitable mixtures that enhance stress relief, calm and at the same time stimulate. It is of course essential to choose essential oils that both partners like.
Follow the recipes given below, experiment with your own essential oil combinations, give priority to your needs, devote time to your partner, bring romanticism back in your life and I am sure you will never care again whether or when the "pink" pill will enter the market!

Sensual perfume
10 ml almond or jojoba oil
10 drops rose
8 drops patchouli
8 drops jasmine
6 drops bergamot
6 drops sandalwood
3 drop cypress

Sensual massage mixture no1
30 ml almond or jojoba oil
7 drops rose
6 drops sandalwood
5 drops patchouli

Sensual massage mixture no2
30 ml almond or jojoba oil
6 drops jasmine
6 drops sandalwood
6 drops bergamot

My suggestions:

Enrich your imagination, boost your love life, sensually fragrance your space and take care of your beloved person's body with a variety of ideas given in Maggie Tisserand's book "Essence of Love: Fragrance, Aphrodisiacs and Aromatherapy for Lovers".

Over 50000 copies of Richard Alan Miller's books have been sold, who is giving detailed information about the use of all kinds of aphrodisiacs - biochemical and psychophysiological - in his book "The Magical and Ritual Use of Aphrodisiacs".

It is well known that love comes through the stomach, so be sure to read this sensual cookbook that will upset your palate and much more...with the title "Fork Me, Spoon Me: The Sensual Cookbook (Limited Edition)".

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